Mine de la Lappiaz

Walk to the Mine de la Lappiaz, Lil'Stash and Séraussaix Farm

Sport, Pedestrian sports, Course, Hiking itinerary in Avoriaz
6.0 km
  • History, ludic place and local products a stone's throw from Avoriaz, an ideal familial walk!

  • 1. From Avoriaz, go to the Falaise sector, walk down
    between the Malinka and Saskia residences (D3 on
    Avoriaz map) ant take the large stony path that goes
    downhi l by fo lowing Proclou signs.

    2. Take the smal path on the left into the wood (folow
    “Lappiaz“ signs) until you reach the mine. From the
    mine, retrace your steps and get back to the initial
    path on your left by folowing the path that runs left to
    the golf course. Be careful of the cliff !

    3. When exiting the...
    1. From Avoriaz, go to the Falaise sector, walk down
    between the Malinka and Saskia residences (D3 on
    Avoriaz map) ant take the large stony path that goes
    downhi l by fo lowing Proclou signs.

    2. Take the smal path on the left into the wood (folow
    “Lappiaz“ signs) until you reach the mine. From the
    mine, retrace your steps and get back to the initial
    path on your left by folowing the path that runs left to
    the golf course. Be careful of the cliff !

    3. When exiting the forest, the entrance of the Lil’Stash
    wi lbe right in front of you, a unique place with
    suspended cabins in the trees, ideal for a family break
    in the shade!

    4. Continue your route down the Lil’Stash until you reach
    “Ferme de Seraussaix” signs on your right. At the farm,
    take the path below the road going to Avoriaz. In 40
    minutes, you’ l reach the Golf course Club House. Keep
    going straight for another 20 min to get back to
  • Tips
    Let's be seduced by local product (cheese, cold cuts, dairy produce)
  • Departure
  • Plain text period
    From 02/07 to 28/08.
    Before leaving find out about the access to the Tourist Office.

    Subject to favorable weather.
  • Environment
    • Mountain view
    • Mountain location
    • Panoramic view
  • Spoken languages
    • French
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)
  • Equipment
    • Play area
    • Picnic area
  • Services
    • Pets welcome
      • Please keep your dog on leash during the walk.
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